Best screen reader for edge browser
Best screen reader for edge browser

best screen reader for edge browser

Compare the usage of various web browsers among screen reader users to the browser usage trends of the general population, as tracked by W3 Counter: However, whereas the general population had moved to Chrome, screen reader users had largely migrated to Firefox. This was the first time a non-Internet Explorer browser was found to have the highest usage among screen reader users. (Source: “Screen Reader User Survey #7 Results,” WebAIM, October 2017, ) The most recent WebAIM Screen Reader survey, which was conducted in October 2017, found the following: (Source: “Survey of Preferences of Screen Readers Users,” WebAIM, October 2009, ) When WebAIM first conducted this survey in 2008, they found that screen reader users used browsers at the following rates:

best screen reader for edge browser

Web Accessibility in Mind (webAIM), a non-profit based out of Utah State University’s Center for Persons with Disabilities, conducts a bi-annual survey of screen reader users and their use of assistive technologies, web browsers, and the Internet. The impact of these barriers to the adoption of modern web browsers is evident when you examine web browser usage among screen reader users. The learning curve associated with the move to a new browser can be steep, especially when factoring in assistive technology like a screen reader or voice recognition software.Information and resources on using new browsers with assistive technologies may be limited or unavailable.Assistive technology vendors have not yet updated their applications to be compatible with new browsers.Early versions of newer web browsers generally provide less support for accessibility than their more developed alternatives.The reasons for this are numerous, but can include: Historically, screen reader users have been slower to adopt new web browsers. Web browsers provide the primary interface by which we access the Internet, and the choice of which browser to use can be very personal and can significantly change your online experience for better or worse.

Best screen reader for edge browser